Meninya St business owners have shared their thoughts on the Meninya Street Precinct Project plan.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
Moama business owners gathered at the Murray River Council chambers on Tuesday, January 21 to voice their concerns on the current Meninya Street Precinct Project plan.
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The traders were invited to offer insight and feedback on the plan during an ordinary councillor workshop, usually reserved for council staff to provide councillors with information on specific matters.
Traders took the opportunity to share their thoughts on the proposed plan and its possible impacts on their livelihoods.
Following the meeting, Moama Bakery owner David Wegner said the council was open to hearing the group’s concerns.
“Council seemed well-prepared to listen and take on board what we spoke about,” he said.
“It was quite a passionate meeting... we pleaded with them to please revisit [the plan].
“We understand that council has spent a lot of money on this but if we get it wrong, the town will suffer for a lot longer than the money spent.”
Meninya St currently has various angled parking spots out the front of businesses.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
The main point of contention for the traders is the proposed removal of angled parking outside of businesses along Meninya St.
A petition calling for the council to review the plan received over 750 signatures last year.
Business owners believe that removing parking spots will lead to a decline in turnover, as it will discourage 'stop and go' trading and drive customers to choose more conveniently accessible shopping locations.
Mr Wegner added that the traders were supportive of the plan but not if it meant losing their parking.
“We’re all for the beautification of Meninya St but they can do a lot without removing our parking spaces at the front of our businesses,” he said.
The business owners also noted that placing numerous wombat crossings throughout Meninya St could result in fewer vehicles using the road.
The proposed blocking of the right-hand turn into Echuca St was another issue raised as it would mean more drivers would turn into Blair St instead, posing a safety concern as Border Inn patrons are often outside near the turn.
Other matters were also addressed including the blocking of side streets, the length of the construction phase, council’s capacity to manage green areas and the installation of clear signage indicating parking behind Meninya St.
The Meninya Street Precinct Project has been ongoing since 2018.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
Farrell Fencing owner Heath Farrell said the meeting was a step in the right direction.
“It was a very positive meeting, the room was listening and moving forward, we are hoping to get a positive outcome in the future,” he said.
“We would like to see the improvement to the landscaping of the street but not to the detriment of existing businesses.
“[Council] are in discussion and will relay their response back to us next week.”
The Moama traders will have time to speak at the next Murray River Council meeting on Tuesday, January 28 at 2pm.
Meetings are open to the public or can be watched online through the council's live-stream.