The Brewer family's cows take in some morning sun as they graze at the foot of the Mt Granya range.
Relative remoteness is no deterrent for a family of Simmental and Angus breeders who are inviting Beef Week attendees to inspect their range of both breeds on January 30 as well as some SimAngus they have cross bred.
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“Pop in for a chat during Beef Week,” Tara Brewer said.
“You won’t regret it.”
Brewer Beef has been run by Tara and her husband David for over 30 years, with more than token help from their two sons Austin and Henry.
“All three breeds will be shown on the day, and although we have been breeding Koetong Angus for only four years, we are including them on the day to make our stud a bit of a one-stop-shop for buyers,” Tara said.
Fourteen-year-old Henry has had a bigger hand in directing the stud than can be expected from any peers within his age group and is destined for big things in the cattle industry.
“He has quite an eye for breeding, and so he encouraged us to start an Angus stud,” Tara said.
“I want to retire early so I am hoping Henry will take over.
“He has his eyes on being a stud agent and auctioneer.”
Brewer Beef Cowboy Cut T097 is among the bulls for sale at Brewer Beef.
Tara said the stud focused on ‘all the good stuff’ to produce meat of good quality.
“It’s really about the temperament of the bulls, their feet and legs and their overall ‘doing’ ability,” she said.
Forty-five bulls from all three breeds will be on show with some traditional red bulls available for sale on the day.
A mixture of females will also be exhibited.
Henry will also have his show team on display, despite there being no rest for any idle hands.
He is going to Tamworth for the 2024 Angus Roundup to pit himself against the best in the competition and will be back in time for Beef Week.
Brewer Beef’s gates open at 9am on Tuesday, January 30, at 401 Soldiers Settlers Rd, Tallangatta Valley.
The AuctionsPlus sale will be held on Friday, February 16.