Four of the 150 sheep donated to raise $10,200 for the Royal Children's Hospital at the Dookie-Devenish and District Good Friday Appeal lamb and sheep sale.
A regional sheep and lamb auction raised more than $10,000 for the Royal Children’s Hospital on Friday, October 13 at the Shepparton saleyards.
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The Dookie-Devenish and District Good Friday Appeal (DDDGFA) runs numerous events throughout the year and in 2023 has already donated $120,248 to the hospital.
The annual sale sells lambs and sheep donated individually from regional sheep farmers.
The DDDGFA has raised more than half-a-million dollars in its seven years of operation.
DDDGFA president Paul Durden said the sale relied on farmers being prepared to donate a single animal running with their flock through the year.
“If you have one running with the mob and you don’t notice it, then you know this is going to raise funds for the hospital,” Mr Durden said.
“We had over 150 sheep donated today from 50 different vendors which averaged $68 per head, which is a great result.
“All of that goes to the hospital.”
Elders Auctioneer Joe Allan said the drafting done by his team in the morning was a relatively ‘big affair’ because of the variety of donated sheep.
“We got them into groups of age and weight and breed,” Mr Allan said.
“The sale was a good effort, the margins were back on last year but of course it was above the market rate.”
Mr Allan said it was always good to ‘poke a bit of fun’ at buyers.
“We probably jammed a few bids in there that we probably shouldn’t have, but it was all in good spirit.”
Nathalia’s Ryan Meat Company and Ascot Meat Products from Wodonga were the two major buyers at the sale.
“Ryans and Ascots always support it with enthusiasm,” Mr Allan said.
Mr Durden also said the support from buyers matched that of donors.
“The sheep job at the moment in general now is finding it hard, and yet the buyers get behind it and some actually spend more than they would on other sheep because it’s all going to the hospital.
“The way I look at it, a dollar is a dollar we never had.
“The main thing is that without all these vendors donating sheep, we can’t do it.”
The appeal will have its first steer drive in October 2024.
Mr Durden said he was seeking cattle farmers now to rear a ‘spare’ calf from this spring’s calving season for the event.
“It doesn’t matter what breed if they just want to run one extra with their herd for 12 months.
“We’re just looking for a commitment at the moment.”
Mr Durden said he was hoping for the steer sale to become a yearly event.
“We have the sheep people behind us now and hopefully we can get the cattle breeders behind us.”
Cattle producers can contact 0409 563 671 for further information.
Andrew Kyle, auctioneer Joe Allan, DDDGFA president Paul Durden and Alan Shields look forward to the appeal running its first steer drive next year.