Katrina Monigatti, Paul Monigatti, Shane Howe and Cheryl Nelson led conversations over the future of Strathallan Hall at a community meeting on Monday, January 20. Photos: Emily Donohoe
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
In a town of just under 200 people, Strathallan community members turned out in force to discuss the future of their hall on Monday, January 20.
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Around 50 attendees gathered outside the 96-year-old Strathallan Hall, which has been out of action after sustaining significant flood damage in 2022.
Following a decision made in consultation with the hall committee and previous Campaspe Shire Council, the hall is set to be demolished within this financial year.
A petition was put forward to council in December, with 60 signatories requesting an immediate stop to plans for the demolition of hall.
Strathallan community members, including Katrina and Paul Monigatti, Shane Howe and Cheryl Nelson, want to look into the potential to save the hall, which requires extensive renovations.
“Really, the hall is the heart of the community,” Mr Monigatti said.
“A bit of hard work, I’m sure we can get the hall back ... we can either do something or do nothing.”
Around 50 members of the Strathallan community turned out for the meeting.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Mr Howe told the group that council assessed the building as needing repairs to more than 50 per cent of the site to be usable, along with being made Disability Discrimination Act compliant.
This also means the hall needs to be raised if 50 per cent of the site is damaged, due to new laws related to building on flood plains.
Attendees spoke about the work needed to provide necessary repairs and fundraise, including through grant applications.
They discussed the potential for the community to take on the hall, rather than council maintaining it as an asset.
“There is an option for the community to take the hall over from the shire,” Mr Monigatti said.
“It still needs to be brought up to spec ... there’s work to do, but I’d like to see if the community can get something happening.”
Attendees vote on the potential saving of the hall through community ownership.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
The group voted on investigating taking on the site, attendees unanimously raising their hands in support of ‘explor[ing] the option of taking community ownership of the Strathallan Hall and site, with the view to renovate the hall’.
“Think of what it will do for the community ... to actually see what a thriving community it is,” Mrs Nelson said.
“That we stood up and stuck up for our hall and everything it meant to us.”
Meeting leaders were understanding of council’s position towards and obligations for the hall.
Council director communities Jo Bradshaw said conversations about the site’s future would continue.
“Council officers will continue to work with the committee of management regarding the next steps for the Strathallan hall,” she said.
A meeting will be held on Friday, January 24 at 6pm outside the hall to elect new representatives to the Strathallan Hall Committee of Management.