Going for it: HookIn2Hockey participants had a great time at their first session last Thursday under the guidance of program co-ordinator Ian Wright.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
Kids around Echuca Moama are being invited to attend Hookin2Hockey, Hockey Australia’s national junior program on Thursdays.
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The program is run by local and six-decade veteran of the sport Ian Wright, who has been a stalwart in the Australian Masters side.
Hookin2Hockey is for kids 5-12 and guides participants through the basics of hockey, building their skills from the beginner level.
“It runs for 12 weeks, and each week there’s a number of different skills that they learn, and it develops over the time so that they start to develop skills and that increases until the end of the 12 weeks,” said Wright.
“Hopefully we’ll get them into the club and get them playing in our junior club scenes.
“Usually in the program, we use our good junior kids to help train these kids, and we’ve got several really good junior kids that are doing that.”
Once kids complete the program they can transition into an under-8s or under-10s competition.
First steps: Deacon, 9, is starting his hockey journey with HookIn2Hockey.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
The program runs on Thursday afternoons at Echuca College from 4pm to 5pm. It began on Thursday, February 22, and continuing on February 29, with new players welcome to join the group.
The program costs $80 plus a Hockey Victoria registration and all equipment is provided with new equipment able to be purchased if you wish.
The first session is free, providing an opportunity to give hockey a go in a risk-free environment.
Wright says hockey is a great sport for kids to learn, he himself having played since he was 15.
“I’ve been playing for a long time and my love now is trying to get kids to play hockey,” he said.
“Come along, participate, enjoy what you’re doing, and start to get a love of hockey.”