One of the Coledale stud rams with new owner, Xavier Burton.
It was an idea whose time had come for the Coledale sheep stud.
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Wallace and Sue Binnie had been running the successful Poll Dorset stud at Bungeet for 54 years and they were looking for an exit.
Not far away, in the Glenrowan hill country, young Xavier Burton was looking for some good genetics to power up his goal of establishing a sheep stud.
If it wasn’t for a chance meeting, between Xavier’s father and Wallace Binnie at a sheep sale, a historic deal may not have occurred.
Xavier grew up on the 500-hectare family farm, Banool at Glenrowan West, where he got his introduction to genetics by raising poultry.
It was the sale of his poultry which helped finance his purchase of Hampshire Down sheep for the stud he registered at 15.
The distinctive dark face of the Hampshire Down sheep.
The Hampshire Downs breed was developed in Britain in the 1800s, but the breed has been in Australia for 150 years.
Xavier first encountered them at the Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show.
“I sold three rams for $400 each in 2015 and I thought I was a millionaire!”
Xavier believes the Hampshire Downs have an excellent reputation for high levels of intramuscular fat, often known as marbling, which is a key driver of eating quality in sheepmeat.
He expects this quality will become more important as time goes on.
Coledale rams which will go under the hammer on September 26.
Xavier broadened his interest into Poll Dorset sheep when he turned 21, impressed by the breed’s potential.
And in his late 20s, Xavier began looking around for ewes to enlarge his flock.
Xavier’s father, Roger, was sitting next to Wallace at a sale when the two got talking.
Wallace’s goal was to keep the flock together after so much time and energy had been invested, so Xavier purchased the cornerstones of the stud.
His goal with the flocks running at Glenrowan West is to continue to compile data, and to increase the fat on his sheep.
“Some genetic lines have become a bit too lean,” he said.
“And I would just like to grow the stud as far as I can.”
“I enjoy the challenge of breeding sheep. Now that we have some superb Poll Dorset lines we can make progress, genetically.”
Xavier Burton now has the genes from the Coledale stud to work with.
Wallace is regularly on the phone to Xavier, who appreciates the advice and guidance.
The first Coledale sale, under the new ownership, will be held at the Burtons’ property in Embling Rd, Glenrowan West, on September 26 at 1pm.
Agents in conjunction, Elders Yarrawonga and Nutrien Benalla, will offer 100 rams including eight selected stud sires.
For more information, go to the Facebook page: Coledale and Glen West Sheep Studs.
Ram sales are under way now, but this spring will have a special significance for young producer, Xavier Burton, who is planning a first.